Sunday 27 December 2009

Nice to sea you, to sea you... nice

Hello weary traveller and welcome to the CRaB Shack - thank you for scuttling in. As we leave Christmas behind us once again and head into a new year and a new decade, I thought it was about time I joined the tech-savvie populace (about five years late) and started a blog.

This is that blog. Ta-da!

True, it's looking a little empty and unhomely at the moment, but Rome wasn't built in a day either. Needless to say, as time goes on and I have more to get my claws into (and, one can hope, more followers) then the CRaB Shack will really come alive with musings, anecdotes, reviews, news and other such amusing (hopefully) and exciting (definately) entries.

Sea you soon (if you aren't already sick of the oceanic puns).


  1. Congrats on getting the blog up and running! It's looking mighty fine, though don't get this confused with some kind of kleenex moment, they're on rations at the moment.

  2. It's okay, I've got a stock-pile of Atrixo :-b
