The encore...
16. THE LOVER AFTER ME: Darren returned to the Club Colosseum stage - replete with bowler hat - to the strings of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah", played with extreme patience by guitarist Steve Young (pictured below) as Darren paid a moving tribute to Michael Jackson. Given the subject of loss, Affirmation's stunning "The Lover After Me" (a recent rediscovery of mine) was a fitting choice. Okay, it's not about loss through death, but let's not get too depressing, this was NYE after all.

18. SPIN: So here we are. This is it. No, not the MJ concert documentary; the final song of the night (unless you're including the 3-hour DJ set, in which case this was more like 30 songs from the end, but I didn't spend money to listen to a CD - not that I'm condoning illegal downloads... moving along). How could Darren possible top such a rich pot pourri of styles, hits, rarities and other-people's songs? How about by performing the title track to his least favourite solo album for the FIRST TIME EVER, mixed with Eric Prydz's "Pjanoo"? Um, yeah, that'll do it.
A mahoosive thank you to Mr Hayes, Mr Shave, Mr Young, Miss Polly Rae, Mr/s Kandy Kane and everybody else who was involved but whose names I do not know. New Years Eve 2009 will take some beating; just like the two guys who got into a fight on the dance floor at 1:30am. At a Darren Hayes gig. Seriously.
Okay, what the hell am I gonna blog about now?...
Great review, now get your arse back on that keyboard and type up your guest blog! ;)