When I first opened The CRaB Shack, I wasn't totally sure which direction I would be taking the blog in. I knew reviews would be a part of it, certainly, but it wasn't until much later that they became almost the sole focus. Here is a collection of some of the random, nuttier and more anecdotal CR@Blogs I have published - as well as some of my more, ahem, creative gushings:

CRaBHoward's Money Saving Tip of the Month


GUEST Who's Got Some News?

I Don't Mean To Gloat, But...

I've Got a Bad Feeling About This... (Nor-Con 2011)

Mad For CRaB

Magic Soon to be Set Free

Move Over Oscar

Michael – A Poem

Mug Shot

Nice To Sea You, To Sea You... Nice

PlayStacean Top 5

Riddle Me This

To Obsession, And Beyond! (Nor-Con 2010)

Welcome to the Twenteens?... Twenty-Teens?... Twenty-Tens?... Sod it: 2010

Year of CRaBlogging, A