12 – 286mins – 2010
Created by: Matt Groening
Developed by: Matt Groening and David X. Cohen
Executive Producers: Matt Groening, David X. Cohen, Ken Keeler
Starring the voice talents of: Billy West, Katey Sagal, John DiMaggio, Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Frank Welker
Good news, me! Now that I once more have a multi-region DVD player nestled in my laboratory alongside my horde of doomsday devices, I am opened up to a wealth of audio/visual entertainment I would previously not have been privy to – and I'm not just referring to my stash of episodes from that banned religion S*** T***! Top of my must-buy list was this latest volume of intergalactic satire from the wondrous noggin of The Simpsons’ brainchild Matt Groening. Huzzah!
The mind boggles as to why the robot hell Sky One has yet to set a UK transmission date (or why Fox have yet to release the set on region 2), but don’t let that mislead you: Fly, Leela, Bender, Zoidberg and the rest of the Planet Express crew are well and truly back, baby! So strap yourselves in, fill your tank with dark matter, sweet talk the auto pilot and prepare for an intergalactic voyage on the Comedy Central Channel, meatbags!

Series premiere “Rebirth” is a necessary bridge between fourth movie Into the Wild Green Yonder’s apparently conclusive finale and a return to the status quo – via a vat of stem cells, a robo-Leela and a Cyclops-scoffing monster. It’s as genre barmy as Futurama has ever been, but the true belly laughs don’t kick in until episode two’s riff on Adam and Eve with Zapp and Leela stranded (and nude!) on a lush Eden-like planet. Oh my!
The satire comes thick and fast in “Attack of the Killer App” and “Proposition Infinity”, in which we witness space-age riffs on a technologically enslaved iPhone nation, Twitter, Susan Boyle (yes, really!) and Proposition 8 (only the right for homosexuals to marry has been tweaked to campaign for robosexual union as Bender and Amy do the nasty, much to the Professor’s chagrin). It’s great that a series set a thousand years in the future is still able to make pertinent points about contemporary issues, although at times it does feel a little too closely related to reality.

One of, I say, because that dishonour is held by the (mid-) season closer “The Futurama Holiday Spectacular”, which I may dare to suggest is the worst episode of Futurama ever – and I usually love the non-canonical anthology episodes! Here we get three mini-adventures, each based around a resource-saving environmental cause related to a religious holiday: Xmas, “Robonica” and Kwanzaa . The plots are awkward and forced, the incessant musical numbers sound dreadfully rushed and – the icing on the Popplers – the Space Bees first seen in Series 4’s “The Sting” speak – in English!
Now that I’ve released my rage in the angry dome, I’ll move on to more positive subjects. Far and away the new season’s crowning glory is “The Late Philip J. Fry”, a story with such awe-inspiring scope, yet such intimate sentiment, it defies belief. Fry, Bender and the Professor set off through the ages in a time machine which only travels forward, jilting Leela on her birthday – and subsequently throughout the rest of her life! Will the time travellers ever return home? Will Leela ever forgive Fry for standing her up? Will mankind really be ensalved to giraffe's in the future? Sweet, touching and amazingly crafted whilst remaining as witty as ever, and it's undoubtedly an instant Futurama classic in just 22minutes.

In a Decapodian's Shell: Thank the Robot Devil, my favourite Matt Groening animation is reborn! Futurama – Volume 5 delivers a veritable feast of in-jokes, modern day satire and Dr. Zoidberg, and although some episodes don't *quite* hit the shows lofty zenith of old, anyone who doesn't rejoice at the return of this continually rewatchable space-com can bite my hairy human ass!
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